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Tibal Fractures
Here's some key facts about tibial fractures which occured to the MMA fighter Anderson Silva during the second round of his fight against Chris Weidman in UFC 168 in December 2013,,,, and then recently happened to Chris Weidman in UFC 261 in April 2021!
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Tibial Fractures

Genu Valgum vs. Genu Varum
Here's a fun way to use the name to remember the difference between Genu Valgum and Genu Varum!
Read more: Genu Valgum vs. Genu Varum
Inner Life of a Cell Animation
Here's a really nice look at the anatomy and functions of a cell at an ultrastructural level. This animation demonstrates leukocyte extravasation and illustrates the following processes:
- Leukocyte rolling via Selectins
- Cell membrane bilipid layer and cell manbrane proteins
- Spectrin cytoskeleton
- Microtubules and vessicular transport
- Protein translation
- Intergrin activation and adhesion
Video Challenge #1
Watch this video and tell me what's the diagnosis for this classic sign?
Read more: BaroneVideoQuiz: Diagnosis 1
Video Challenge #2
Watch the video and tell me what disease is associated with this finding?
Read more: BaroneVideoQuiz: Diagnosis 2

Draw the Pons!
Here's how to quickly draw the lower Pons on the exam to figure out all the pontine syndromes!
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Pons
Liver Zone Mnemonic
The centrilobular hepatocytes represent which zone of the Liver?
- Zone 1
- Zone 2
- Zone 3
Read more: Liver Zone Mnemonic

Spleen Mnemonic
Here's a mnemonic for the spleen that's been around for a long time but it still works!

Sites of Absorption
Here's two ways to remember the sites of absorption for Iron, B12, and Folate:
Read more: BaroneMnemonics: Absorption

Embryology Mnemonic
Here's a fun way to remember the Neural Crest Derivatives:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Neural Crest
Cranial Nerve Innervation of the Tongue
Here's an easy way to remember the innervation of the tongue using a simple mnemonic:
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G-Protein Coupled Receptor Mnemonic
Here's an interesting way to remember the G-protein coupled receptors.
Read more: G-Protein Coupled Receptors
"Hand of Benediction" Sign Mnemonic
Copyright © 2012. Thunderpath Media Inc.

Barone Video Mnemonic: Superior Oblique Innervation
Here's a simple way to remember the cranial nerve innervation of the Superior Oblique muscle:
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Superior Oblique Innervation
Pharyngeal Arch Mnemonic by Timothy Tiu MD
If you've ever struggled to remember the Pharyngeal arch.... this mnemonic is for you!
Dr. Tiu breaks it down and makes it memorable!!!
Read more: Pharyngeal Arch Mnemonic

Anatomy Mnemonic : Pharyngeal Arch Cranial Nerves
Here's a way to remember the cranial nerves associated with each Pharyngeal Arch:
Read more: Barone Video Mnemonic: Pharyngeal Arch Cranial Nerves

Tongue Sensation
Here's Dr. Alajaj's followup video. He uses the Pharyngeal arch mnemonic to learn the innervation for tongue sensation.
Hypothalamus Mnemonic
Here's an easy way to remember the functions of the hypothalamus:
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Neuroanatomy
Stretch Reflex Anatomy Mnemonic
Here's a mnemonic to remember all the stretch reflexes and their innervation by using a Nursery Rhyme many of us already know!
Read more: Barone Memonic: Stretch Reflex
Gag Reflex Mnemonic
Here's a great way to remember the important anatomy of the gag reflex:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Gag Reflex

Signs of Hypocalcemia
Here's a video demonstrating the two classic signs of hypocalcemia - Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs:
Read more: BaroneVideo: Signs of Hypocalcemia

The 12 Cranial Nerves of Christmas
Here's a musical way to remember the cranial nerves:
Read more: Cranial Nerve Christmas Song
Quick Summary: Third Cranial Nerve Palsy
3rd Cranial Nerve palsy [Oculomotor nerve]
Associated with uncal herniation, ischemic injury, tumor, aneurysm of the PCA.
Video source:
Copyright © 2011 John Barone MD. All rights reserved.
Quick Summary: Fourth Cranial Nerve Palsy
4th Cranial Nerve Palsy [Trochlear nerve]
Associated with trauma, ischemic injury, tumor, and may be congenital.
Video source:
Copyright © 2011 John Barone MD. All rights reserved.
Quick Summary: Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy
6th Cranial Nerve palsy [Abducen's nerve]
Associated with increased ICP and ischemic injury.
Video source:
Copyright © 2011 John Barone MD. All rights reserved.