Step 2CK OB/GYN: Obstetrical Procedures by Dr. Sakala
Failure Rate for Step 2CK 1st time test takers from 2012-2016

* The USMLE Step 2 passing score was raised was before both the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 time periods which would correspond with the slight increase in failures.
This means that 20% of first time IMG test takers don't Pass on their first attempt!!! This really kills your chances of matching. Don't let this happen. Be prepared to slay the Dragon! Remember passing is not enough!! We are shooting for 260!
CS / CK Dates for 2021 Match
Don't think you'll be ready for this years match? No worries you have time to get greats scores!!! To have your scores back in time to apply in the first wave of the Match which opens in September 2020 with a Match day in March 2021, you should schedule to take your exams by the following dates:
Step 2 CS
For examinees who test from: | The scores will be reported between: |
May 24st - July 18th 2020 | August 19th - September 16th 2020 |
July 19th - September 12th 2020 | October 14th - November 11th 2020 |
Key to success: To insure that your scores are available, you should plan on getting the CS done by July 18th 2020 if possible.
Warning: The CS exam is one of the most difficult exams to schedule. The dates fill up fast so plan ahead and get your exam scheduled as quickly as you can!
Step 2 CK
For step 2 CK the scores are generally reported within 4 weeks, so you can take it as late as mid August and still have the scores available for the opening of the match. Since there are often delays in reporting during this busy time, it best to be safe and get your exam done by the end of July!
Key to success: Since the CS is harder to schedule and takes longer to get the scores back, it's sometimes better to get the CS done first and then battle the CK.
Get CS done by July 18th 2020!
Get CK done by end of July (best) or the latest by August 15th 2020!
Key to Success: Getting Great Scores is the ultimate key to opening doors. So take it when you are the most prepared and likely to get your best scores!!!
Thanks to Dr. Gibu George
CS / CK Dates for "Match Day 2020"
To have your scores back in time to apply in the first wave of the Match which opens in September 2019 with a Match day in March 2020, you should schedule to take your exams by the following dates:
Step 2 CS
For examinees who test from: | The scores will be reported between: |
May 19th - July 13th 2019 | August 14th - September 11th 2019 |
July 14th - September 7th 2019 | October 9th - November 6th 2019 |
Key to success: To insure that your scores are available, you should plan on getting the CS done by July 13th 2019 if possible.
Step 2 CK
For step 2 CK the scores are generally reported within 4 weeks, so you can take it as late as mid August and still have the scores available for the opening of the match. Since there are often delays in reporting during this busy time, it best to be safe and get your exam done by the end of July!
Key to success: Since the CS is harder to schedule and takes longer to get the scores back, it's sometimes better to get the CS done first and then battle the CK.
Get CS done by July 13th 2019!
Get CK done by end of July (best) or the latest by August 15th 2019!
Key to Success: Getting Great Scores is the ultimate key to opening doors. So take it when you are the most prepared and likely to get your best scores!!!
Source: and
Thanks to Dr. Gibu George
Step 2 CK Changes the Number of Question
- Beggining on July 10, 2016 the Step 2 CK will be reducing the number of questions from a maximum of 355 to a maximum of 318!
- The exam length is unchanged with 8 blocks of questions each having 60 minutes to complete.
- The scores on the exams before and after the number of question change will be comparable.
- There will be a delay in reporting the scores but the target date for reporting will be September 14th 2016 in time for the match!
What does this mean for me?
This kind of reduction in questions has also happened in step 1 and is not surprising. The difficulty and complexity of the exam questions continues to increase over time. As the exam questions gradually get more difficult, they have been reducing the number of questions... effectively giving you more time to complete each question. With less total questions, each question will carry more weight.
It should not affect your preparation at all. You take the exam when and where you are most prepared to get your best score. Great scores open doors! Hodor!!!
Related articles: CS and CK dates for 2017 Match
New 2018 Step 2CK Practive Materials Released
Here's the download page for the newest Practice Questions for Step 1, Step 2CK/2CS, and Step 3
Download: 2018 Practie Items (No new questions.... same as 2017 version)
Download: 2015 Practice Items [***Many new questions compared to 2014***]
CK Score Increase
Slaying the Dragon just got a little harder!!!
The new minimum passing score on Step 2 CK will be raised from 203 to 209 on July 1, 2014.
This is the 4th time that they have nudged the scores up...
2010 184 => 189
2012 189 => 196
2013 196 => 203
2014 203 => 209
No worries, we are shooting for 260 anyway!!!!
According to the website, small increases in the number of biostatistics and epidemiology items will appear in Step 2 beginning in 2010 and in Step 3 in 2011.