Tips for your Match Quest!
- Step 1: 237 (1st attempt)
- Step 2 CK: 257 (1st attempt)
- Step 2 CS: Pass (1st attempt)
- Step 3: NOT DONE
Here are some helpful tips to help you succeed on your quest to get matched!
Dear Dr Barone,
I hope you are doing great! As promised, I wanted to keep you updated with my progress through this journey. I MATCHED! I MATCHED! As you read in my personal statement, becoming a surgeon has always been my dream. I matched in a Surgery Program, as a preliminary (is a great opportunity to prove myself to the program, and I'm glad I have it)
I can mention a few things I did to try and succeed in this quest:
1. TALK TO OTHER COLLEAGUES THAT HAVE BEEN TROUGH THE SAME: I talked to all the colleagues from my hometown (PANAMA) that have been through the same process, ideally in my same field of interest, even if they were back in Panama or they decided to stay in the US. Either way, they know other colleagues that are working in the US and with some phone calls or emails, your name will be noticed once you apply. These colleagues can also help you review your documents, as you did with me (and I truly appreciate it). I managed to talk to 2 Program Directors that were friends with people I know and were kind enough to review my documents as well and provided feedback.
2. RESEARCH PROGRAMS: I did research using FREIDA's database, looking for all the programs that were IMG friendly and the percentage of IMGs in their roster, just to have an idea if there was a chance of getting in. I also researched programs one by one to view their particular requirements. This varies enormously between programs, some require US clinical experience, some prefer US clinical experience, and a few even don't mind. This goes for other requirements as well (Steps score, research, etc.), so definitely looking into programs one by one was a great idea.
3. APPLY TO THOSE PROGRAMS I FELT I WAS COMPATIBLE WITH: after this thorough research, I found many programs I was compatible with and I tried to apply to most of them.
4. HAVE YOUR DOCUMENTS READY: I had my application ready on September 15th, the day we were able to submit it. I felt relieved that I just had to wait for those interview emails.
5. PREPARE FOR INTERVIEWS: I looked up all the possible interview questions (over 100 questions), put them on a Word Document, and tried to answer them all. After that, I did mock-up interviews with my girlfriend and even was lucky enough to practice with some Panamanian surgeons that trained in the US and helped me throughout the process (the importance of point 1 above). Be sure to have questions to ask each interviewer, some questions are good to ask residents but not the Program Director or Faculty, and vice-versa.
6. PRAY: I'm Christian, so I prayed to my God and different Saints, but we need to keep our hope up so pray to whatever deity keeps your hope up.
7. BE POSITIVE: I had only 3 interviews, somehow I felt I did better in my first interview than the following 2. Ironically, I matched in the one I felt was my worst interview day.
Hope this is helpful to those following this journey.
Thanks again for your support!
D. O.
March 20, 2021
Photo credit: ©2016 Henry Hustava Unsplashed.com