Rocking the Audition Rotation
- Step 1 : 216
- Step 2CK : 218 [Second attempt]
- Step 2CS : Pass [Second attempt]
What are the chances of matching in Psychiatry for an IMG with low board score and multiple attempts? Excellent.... if you nail that audition!!!
Hello Dr. B
My step1 score was 216. Failed both CK and CS first attempt.
CK retake score was 218.
Only got 1 interview for Psych.... and I MATCHED THERE !
V. V. March 20, 2020
Dr. Barone: What do you think was the secret for getting that one interview and most importantly what do you think it was that got you the match?
I did an audition rotation even after i finished my medical school. A 4-week rotation, no affiliation with my school whatsoever. Knowing my failures and low scores, i knew i had to rock this audition to at least have a chance plus i went to Caribbean school. Rotation went beautiful, had a great rapport with the residents and the coordinator lady. They even said before I started, more so than scores they want genuine people. I had my interview day in the middle of my rotation. I assumed the interview was just a courtesy interview cuz I was rotating there but in reality the 4-week audition WAS MY INTERVIEW! The residents told me they will vouch for me when the committee gets together and I matched there!!!
I am a pretty rare case and if it wasn't for that audition rotation, i probably would have never matched this year or in the subsequent years being an IMG and 2 failures!!!!
Photo by Matthias Wagner (unsplash.com)