It takes a Village and a lot of Hard Work!
- Step 1 (Fourth attempt)
- Step 2CK (Second attempt)
- Year of Graduation: 2004
- Multiple attempts at matching
Dr. Barone,
As I start my residency orientation tomorrow, I can’t help it for not stopping here for a while to write you, my journey on how I made it thus far.
I am an old graduate IMG, graduated in 2004 with multiple attempts (step 1 (4 times) and 2CK 1 time). I passed step 2 CS and Step 3 on the first attempt.
When I moved here to the USA, I didn’t realize that my English and my basic understanding on how to answer the questions properly would be the detrimental factors. I studied so hard, took the Kaplan course and I exhausted all financials options. I had part time job in retail for a while and from there I know people who recommend me to volunteer at the local free clinic.
There were moments when I felt so alone, defeated, and lost. But there’s always this little voice that was telling me to keep on trying. I always believe that this is my destiny that I need to fulfill, so I just refused to give up.
While studying for the exam, I kept researching and looking for places where I can observe. I landed opportunity to observe/work with 4 physicians in multiple areas. I learned so much from them that I fell in love with Family Medicine field. Although, I was a psych intern at my country and was adamant that I will continue to do so at the USA. They all convinced me that I will be a great family practitioner.
After I finally passed step 1 in 2013, I entered the match world with a high hope. I thought all these great letters will suffice. When I failed to match, I decided to regroup and see what else that I can improve. At that time, I haven’t taken my step 3 yet.
I asked my friend who was a resident in a program if there’s any observership program at her hospital. He said no but he gave me a reference of a physician. He was so nice and gave me a chance to observe in another clinic which about 3 hours driving time, and I took it. It was wonderful and landed me an interview for the next match cycle.
But it was sad, I still didn’t match. I heard from that physician that they rank me high but not high enough and recommend me to gain more experiences.
Again, I refused to give up!
I asked the free clinic where I have volunteered for a decade if they have a job where I can work under grants while waiting for the next match. Apparently, there was a research job which landed me multiple oral and poster presentations.
I decided not to participate in a match cycle to focus on my work and research.
I was so blessed because of the free clinic, I get to know my community. I was able to use my stipend to go for a mission trip, I got to speak about volunteerism at the International Conference, work in the college as a teacher, and I become a part of another volunteerism act for the neglect and abused children.
I found a lot of people who constantly supporting me and encourage me to carry on. They believe that I will be a great asset for my community.
Not only that, I get to know a program and they recommended me to clear step 3 (although its not a requirement) and they believe it will increase my chances in matching.
I did that! Luckily, I passed on the first attempt. It took me 2 years to clear it because of my anxiety and its hard to have 3 jobs. Passing step 3 opened a door for an observership in a hospital where I landed an interview.
On match day 2019, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw “Congratulations! You have matched!”
It was surreal! I am an old graduates, IMG, multiple attempts, 1 IV!
But I dare to say, anything is possible. For everyone, never give up. Keep on working hard, believe in yourself. My motto “ora et labora”.
I am so blessed with the support from my family and friends. My path was never straight. I learnt to say yes in every opportunity that came my way even sometimes things that has nothing to do with medicine. Because you never know what you can learn from it, in my case, I have improved my English as well.
I hope to inspire someone today. Please ask a question or two and I’ll be happy to answer them 😊
KM 06/16/2019