A Journey of the Mind
- Step 1 : 202 (first attempt)
- Step 2 CK : 218 (second attempt)
- Step 2 CS : Pass (first attempt)
- Step 3 : Failed
- GAP since graduation: 3-Years
- Non-US IMG
- Third attempt at matching
- Number of interviews: 5
Preparing for the Match can be “a journey of the mind.” How can you stay focused on the goal with so much negativity? Here's a success story about what it takes to navigate this journey!
“Which hospital will give you residency? You will never match with these scores? You are a girl, go get married and have kids. With your scores, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get into residency.”
These were just a few of the many comments made by people on my journey towards matching. People stopped talking and texting me because I didn’t get into residency and my scores are poor and I had attempts. I was like seriously if scores are that big factor in deciding friends then I am glad I don’t want people like these in my life. My moral had degraded to such a level that I deactivated my facebook, stopped attending social gatherings, weddings and even family get togethers because I was so embarrassed as everyone used to ask just one thing 'What is she doing’ and I couldn’t explain to them what I was going through!
I was once such a bright student always coming first or was in top five of my class and then the USMLE ruined me. Not because I became a bad student suddenly or I was partying or doing drugs, but it just because nobody taught me how to prepare for these kind of steps because in India we have a completely different evaluation. Yes so many Indians come up with 250’s and 240’s... I don’t know how and I don’t want to know. All I know is that once you start practicing as a physician, the patient never ever asks you your scores (like the patient never says oh you have 240, i will come to you) When I was starting to prepare for USMLE so many random people I came across said target 240.... less than that don’t even think about residency and if you have attempt then people treat you like thats the end of the world and everybody starts crushing to the point you get so depressed that you stop believing yourself.
I went through all these emotions in the past 2-3 years and only I know what I was going through everyday. Luckily by god’s grace my family took care of all the finances so I never faced that issue. Not that my dad is a Bill Gates or anything but he just made sure I concentrate on studies and research. Even then I was very wise with every single dollar i spent because all my friends back in India have also finished residencies and I haven’t even finished the steps. But later I realized this USMLE journey is a mind journey, you have to throw away all the emotions and be so strong so that no one …. I repeat, NO ONE...... not even YOU, yourself..... can bring you down.
My pointers - Don’t entertain anyone who discourages you. There should be no room for negativity in this journey.
2016 match- Participated in SOAP( of course didn’t match)
2017 match- Applied to 250 programs, not even a single interview
2018 match- 5 interviews (1-IM, 1–Pathology, 1-FM, 1-Transitional year and one interview in Radiation oncology)
I emailed the coordinator before applying as I didn’t wanted to waste my money i asked her on phone if the program gives importance to scores. She said “NO, we see the applicant as whole” and she also complimented me that I was the most polite and respectful candidate she ever talked to (which a lot of program coordinators told me) ; thus I realized it’s the way you approach someone that changes the game.
One of my strengths is my strong interpersonal skills. I can befriend someone quickly. That helped me so much because I made friends everywhere. Also be polite, be respectful... The coordinator receives tons of emails.
During the interviews, I was very honest about my attempts when they asked me, saying that it’s my fault and I don’t wanna blame anyone or give excuses. I think this is what helped me during my interviews. I think they really look for honest people. Also “JUST BEING YOURSELF” is the key for acing interviews because you are different from others.
Also, I would say create your own paths. I made my own path even after so much discouragement. One program director literally told me it’s impossible, just forget it and go back to India. This was at the place (I won’t mention the name) where I was doing research last year. I smiled and said nothing. I remembered what Steve Jobs said... just follow your own intuitions and heart not what others tell you. I just had to find another way.
I got help from so many people that I never expected that i just wanna return back. And yeah it’s true that some friends once they match they hardly help you. It’s not that they don’t wanna help it’s just that first year is so tough that they don’t wanna ruin it after getting it through so many hardships, I think that’s why they don’t reply. Fortunately, all my friends whom I trusted and believed in did help me.
My parents have been like pillars of strength in this journey and my fiance actually said “if not this year, we will try again and we will keep on trying till we match.” Their words were sufficient for me to prepare again for match this year as I had decided not to apply because I didn’t pass step3 and basically who will look into your profile with a failed step3 but I got two interviews in January and one in February ( just 7 days before ranking) when everyone is almost done with the interviews.
Some MYTHS - You should have great scores, recent graduation, no attempts are just myth. Trust me I had shitty scores, older graduation, two attempts; yet I matched. I created my path where I saw a dead end. I matched in pathology!!
I hope I put all the pieces together and gave you some hope for the coming match..
Also, don’t compare yourself with others as everyone has a time for everything. Just believe yourself and shoot for the moon, at least you will end up with stars
- R. S. March 15, 2018