Hurricane Maria and the IMG
Step 1 : 192 (second attempt)
Step 2 CK : 217 (first attempt)
Step 2 CS : Pass (first attempt)
GAP since graduation: 8-Years
Second attempt at matching
Number of interviews: 1
How can a Hurricane help an IMG match? You gotta read this story!!!
Hello Dr Barone!
This is my little story! I am an IMG who came to US to learn English 7 years ago. After a couple of months I decided to study for the steps (was never my plan, but life happens) then I took step 1 and failed! Was hard because I studied for a lot of time, harder because I feel my English was not enough when I took the test, but anyway I failed it.
Then I start working full time and studying early in the morning and at night, one year after I finally passed Step 1 with 192, barely pass. Then continue working with the same routine and one year after that took Step 2 CK and pass it with 217, took CS and pass it. I applied to residency match at the end of November 2016 as soon as I got my scores but was late and didn't have any interview. I received an interview from SOAP but didn't get a match.
So I applied to an internship in Puerto Rico; the Hospital accept me and I started in July! Then Hurricane Maria came and was the hardest experience in my life! With little Internet connection I applied again and I got one interview, JUST ONE! And March 12/2018 I got the best email someone can receive! I matched in the program of my dreams! Was not easy but if I did it anyone can do it! Thank you for all your support during all this years of fighting! Everything is possible!
- E. S. March 14, 2018
Dr. Barone: Wow! This is an amazing story!! Thank you so much for sharing it with me!!! Only one interview and you matched.... what “magic” did you use on that interview? We want to know!
Hello Dr!! The truth: I have a friend in that program and he was telling the Program director to give me just the chance of the interview, that is the reason of the interview, but then while I was on the interview I think everything that happened with Maria’s hurricane helped me, because I was in really bad conditions here, no water or electricity for almost 3 months, no food, no gas! No nothing, but besides all of that I manage the situation to apply to residency and I stick with the internship, helping people here, I could just leave because an airplane from my country (Colombia) came to take all Colombians outside of here but I didn't leave, so I guess I show how hard I can fight for something I want, and that I stick with everything I commit. I think that was the magic, for sure there was better scores than mine, but well they gave me the chance! I had 6 people interviewing me, and with all of them I think I got a good connection. I was applying for psychiatry.