Advice for non-traditional, non-US, IMG students
Here are some tips and advice from a non-traditional, non-US Caribbean medical school graduate with "average to below-average" board scores who matched in their number #1 program!
Hi Dr, Barone,
I wanted to share my successful IMG story with this 2019 Match.
I am a non-traditional medical student, with a previous career for 10 years.
Also, a non-US citizen, and IMG from a Caribbean Medical School (not one of the most traditional Caribbean Schools).
Yet, I matched at my #1 pick in PM&R, one of the few specialties with 100% match.
I passed all USMLE boards with average to below average scores, but improved scores from Step 1 to Step 2 CK.
Couple of things were in my favor: the fact that I had U.S. health care experience, and numerous publications on my CV (20+).
I did all my clinical rotations in the U.S. at an ACGME hospital, and did two audition rotations in PM&R, one at the place I matched.
I got 11 interviews, attended 9 and ranked 8. Matched at my #1 program!! :)
I wanted to share my advice with the non-traditional, non-US, IMG students out there:
1. Look for mentors in the specialty you chose.
2. Attend national meetings in the specialty you chose (take business cards, exchange emails, network, volunteer with research projects)
3. Choose 4-5 programs/areas you really want to go and introduce yourself to them early on, by email. Express your interest in their program and try to volunteer with research projects, or observations, rotations. Start early, during MS2 or so.
4. Do research, and get publications, posters, PubMed articles, etc.
5. Don’t give up. Your time will come.
Good luck to all.
M. D. March 19, 2019