Bugs Associated with Monoclonal Antibody Drugs
Here are some highly tested Monoclonal Antibody Drugs along with the Bugs that they increase the risk of contracting.
Read more: Bugs Associated with Monoclonal Antibody Drugs
Here are some highly tested Monoclonal Antibody Drugs along with the Bugs that they increase the risk of contracting.
Read more: Bugs Associated with Monoclonal Antibody Drugs
I was asked by a student in my class about interleukin inhibitors... so I made a "cheatsheet" of the most likely to appear on the boards and I wanted to share it with all of you!!!
Read more: Interleukin Inhibitor Cheatsheet
Here's my Cheatsheet to help you review the drug family names! If you recognize the family... you'll know the MOA!!!
Read more: Barone CheatSheet: Drug Family Names
Here is my cheetsheet of recently tested target therarpy in medicine!:
Read more: Barone's High-Yield Targeted Therapy
Note: Most MABs follow this nomenclature however there are a few exceptions!
For fun:
Here's a cheatsheet of the most tested MAB's used in cancer treatment:
Read more: Monoclonal Antibodies used for Cancer
Here's a fun fairy tale explaining the mechanism of the PD-1 Inhibitors Nivolumab and Pembrolizumab!
Here's a great way to intergrate the Physiology and Pharmacology of the urinary bladder:
Read more: Urinary Bladder Physio-Pharm Integration
Here's a fun way to remember the mechanism of action and indications for using Ethosuximide by using the drug name! :
Read more: Ethosuximide Mnemonic
Here's a fun way to remember the treatment of Methemoglobinemia by using the name!!!! :)
Read more: Methemoglobinemia Treatment Mnemonic
Here's a great way to remember what the different Interferons are used for clinically by using the name!:
Read more: Therapeutic Use of Interferon
Here's a great way to remember some of the key facts about Terbutaline:
Read more: Terbutaline Mnemonic
Here's a way to remember some of the testable side effects of the major Tuberculosis Drugs:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: TB Drug Side Effects
Here's a fun way to remember what the DHF Reductase Inhibitors have in common:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: DHF Reductase Inhibitors
Here's a simple way to use the name to remember the drugs used for Bone marrow recovery:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Hematology
To sign up for more lectures by Dr. Harris, click here to check out Kaplan Medical!
Here's a quick way to recall the anti-platelet drugs when you see them in a question:
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Here’s a silly way to remember the MOA and clinical use of Argatroban:
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Argatroban
Here's an early 70's classic rock way to remember the function of the drug Maraviroc for you old school rock fans!
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Maraviroc
Here's a cool way to remember the chemicals that can cause angiosarcoma of the liver:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Angiosarcoma
Here's a quick review of some important ANS drugs by Dr. Giannone:
Here's a way to remember the 2 major uses for Yohimbine:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Yohimbine
Here's a way to use Tagalog to remember the difference between Pharamacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics:
Read more: Tagalog Pharm Mnemonic
Here's a great way to remember the copper chelator that you will use for Wilson's disease:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Chelation
Here's the Big Picture of the antibiotic mechanisms of action!:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Antibiotics MOA
Here's a way to use the drug name to remember some key facts about the drug class:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Aminoglycoside
Here's a cool way to remember some of the bugs that you use Metronidazole to treat as well as and some of the important side effects:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Metronidazole
Here's a mnemonic for the Drugs used for Esophageal Varicies:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Esophageal Varices Drugs
Here's a fun Pharmacology Comic about Pirates and Hypertension:
Copyright ©2012 Thunderpath Media Inc.
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Cytarabine
Cimetidine is a histamine H2 receptor blocker that inhibits the production of acid in the stomach.
Here's how to remember the effect of Cimetidine on cytochrome p450:
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Cimetidine
Here's a simple way to use the name to remember the location and effect of PTH on phosphate in the kidney: