Antibody Review with The Joker!!!
Time to die.... or rather review the most tested antibody associations with the world famous immunologist... the Joker!! HAHAHAHA
Read more: The Joker's Antibody Review
Time to die.... or rather review the most tested antibody associations with the world famous immunologist... the Joker!! HAHAHAHA
Read more: The Joker's Antibody Review
Here's another "Barone Cheatsheet" for some of the important autoantibody associations:
Read more: Autoantibody CheatSheet
Here's a fun way to remember the role of IL-5 in immunology:
Read more: Interleukin-5 Mnemonic
Here is a fun way to remember the immunoglobulin levels in Wiskott Aldrich syndome:
Read more: BaroneMnemonic: Wiskott Aldrich
Here's a cool mnemonic to remember the key facts of Brutons XLA using HELLBOY!!!!!:
Read more: Barone Mnemonic: Bruton
The HLA clinic is now open and Dr. Balderrama is back to do a fun, High-Yield review of testable HLA associations. Know them cold! Enjoy...
Here is the first movie that started John Travolta's career. He plays a boy with Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)! It is public domain so you can go to the website and watch it for free.
WARNING: It was made in the 70's, before you were born, so it may look a little weird to your MTV-generation eyes!
Click here to watch video in a new window