How to Practice Medicine in California from a Non-Approved Medical School
QUESTION: Can you practice medicine in the state of California if your medical school is not approved by the Medical Board of California?
YES! Reciprocity!!!
If your school is approved by the Medical board of California then there is no problem. (Here’s a list of medical schools that are approved by the Medical Board of California)
If your school is not approved or was disapproved by the medical board then you can still practice there if you meet the criteria for reciprocity. I've listed below the requirements for reciprocity from the California Business and Professions Code Section 2135.7
ARTICLE 7. Reciprocity and National Board Diplomate Applications [2135 - 2153]
2135.7. (a) Upon review and recommendation, the board may determine that an applicant for a physician and surgeon’s certificate who acquired his or her medical education or a portion thereof at a foreign medical school that is not recognized or has been previously disapproved by the board is eligible for a physician and surgeon’s certificate if the applicant meets all of the following criteria:
1) You completed an accredited residency program.
2) You have continuously held a medical license and practiced in another state, a federal territory, or a Canadian province for a minimum of:
a. 10 years if your school is not recognized
b. 12 years if your school is disapproved
3) You must be Board Certified in your Medical Specialty.
4) You must have taken and passed all exams.
5) You must not been the subject of a disciplinary action by a medical licensing authority or of adverse judgments or settlements resulting from the practice of medicine that the board determines constitutes a pattern of negligence or incompetence.
Source: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=BPC§ionNum=2135.7.