The 12 Cranial Nerves of Christmas
Here's a musical way to remember the cranial nerves:
The 12 Cranial Nerves of Christmas
The Olfactory is the first cranial nerve, and it has a funny kind of smell *sniff sniff*
The Optic is the second cranial nerve, II helps you see
The Oculomotor is the third cranial nerve, III up and down
The Trochlear is the fourth cranial nerve, IV down and up
The Trigeminal is the fifth cranial nerve, V Neuuuuuraaaaaalgiaaaaa
The Abducens is the sixth cranial nerve, VI looking sideway
The Facial is the seventh cranial nerve, VII screws your face up
The Vestibular is the eighth cranial nerve, VIII makes you dizzy
The Glossopharyngeal is the ninth cranial nerve, IX very tasty
The Vagus is the tenth cranial nerve, X makes you throw up
The Accessory is the eleventh cranial nerve, XI shrug your shoulders
The Hypoglossal is the twelfth cranial nerve, XII stick your tongue out