Here’s a success story about a self-described “average medical school student” who failed biochem in medical school but turned things around by learning concepts rather then memorizing and reached his dreams of matching in Neurology!!!!
- Step 1 : 255
- Step 2 CK: 262
- YOG: 2018 (Failed Biochemisty)
- Non-US IMG
Hello Dr. Barone.
I was one of your students at Kaplan Medical in 2019. I wanted to tell you that this year I matched into Neurology and wanted to thank you and share my story with you.
I was an average student in my school back in Colombia and ended up in your class. Before your lectures, I have to admit that I was pretty bad at pathology and found it difficult to understand. I thought that most of it was just memorizing random facts. I am glad that you taught us to learn concepts instead of memorizing random factsand always look for associations and the explanation of mechanisms. I am happy to say that Pathology was one of my best subjects at the end of the course, and I strongly think now that it is one of the cornerstones to have a very good score in both Step 1 and Step 2 CK. I scored 255 in Step 1 and 262 in Step 2 CK, and I am writing this because even an average student can score high if one learns how to study differently, and I am very grateful to you for helping me discover this. I hope you are very well and I send you my regards.
Dr Barone: “Congratulations!!! How many programs did you apply to and in what other specialties?”
I only applied to Neurology to 100 programs, and I got 9 interviews.
I was not certified when the process started because I had to wait for the OET result.
Dr. Batone: “What do think was the secret to your success in matching in neurology?”
Well, I think that having a strong score in both stepswas critical to get interviews because I also think that I have a red flag in my application because I failed Biochemistry one time in my medical school. But one thing that was very important was to get strong LORs as well, I think the key to earn them was to show motivation during my rotations and always putting a little bit more effort than what is required.
Dr. Barone: “What advice would you give to others who want to follow in your footsteps?”
The advice that I would give is to learn that the Steps are not about memorizing; they are about learning useful conceptsand how to apply them to different clinical scenarios. Also, something that is very important is to have fun while studying. I still remember that at some point, I started seeing the Qbanks as a game, and I was trying my best to improve my percentage in each round of questions and I think that played a key role in keeping me motivated and always happy with what I was doing.
Dr. Barone: “Do you think the IV was critical to matching as well or mostly the scores and LORs?”
I think that the application gets you the IV, but once you are there you need to show the best version of yourself. I believe that a good performance on the Interview gets you matched!
O. Z.
March 16, 2021
Dr. Barone: "Remember that it medical school you may feel "average" but in reality you are a exceptional! You have learned volumes of information and sacrificed so much to serve your fellow man. You are a force for good!!! "