Medical Mistake #2 in Dexter [Season 1]
Episode 9 - "Father Knows Best"
In this flashback scene, a young Dexter is being wheeled into the OR for emergency surgery for internal bleeding after a fall:
Doctor: “Don’t you worry little man. You’re not going to feel a thing.”
Dexter: “I thought there was a problem, you know, with my blood?”
Doctor: “Your dad fixed it. You see, you have a very special blood type. AB negative. It’s hard to come by and our supplies was low. But your dad knew somebody with blood just like yours. Very Lucky.”
True or False: AB negative is a very rare blood type?
True or False: It is difficult to find compatible blood for AB blood group individuals?
True or False: AB negative is a very rare blood type?
True! In the United States, AB negative is the rarest of all blood types.
True or False: It is difficult to find compatible blood for AB blood group individuals?
False! Transfusion medicine residents everywhere are cringing when they hear this! Remember that individuals with blood group AB have both antigens on the surface of their red cells so they don't make antibodies against A or B. Therefore, they can receive RBC's from individules who are A or B or O or AB. Make sure to also match the Rh D!
Transfusion Medicine Integration
Universal donors = individuals with type O Rh D negative blood.
Universal recipients = individuals with type AB Rh D positive blood.
It is critical to give compatible blood. Incompatible blood transfusions can cause a hemolytic transfusion reaction.