Distribution of Interview Invitations
Here's why it's really important to apply early for the best chance of getting an interview Invitation:
Getting an interview is the critical step to matching. The saying goes... "No interview, no match!!!" So it's really important to have your application ready to go at the very beginning of the match cycle when all the possible interview spots are still available. As time goes on those spots are given out!
Q: I won't have my application ready until the end of October, what are my chances of getting an interview if I apply late?
On the opening of the match (Sept 15th) all 100% Interview positions are available. By the end of September, the number of IV slots has dropped to 82%. By Halloween (Oct 31st) that number drops to only 35% of positions remaining! Check out the chart below:
Q: I submitted my application on time but it's October 1st and I still don't have any interviews... am I doomed?
Here's the data looked at another way. Approximately 18% of all interview invitations are given out in September. This can be very troubling for students.... they did all the work to get their application ready, then they submit it all excited.... and then nothing! Hang in there... the biggest month is October with almost half (47%) of all interview invitations being offered!!! In November another 22% of IV get offered. The chart below shows the distribution:
Q: I got some interviews..yay!... When are most interviews actually conducted?
November and December are the two most common times to have your interview. So be ready to travel and get lots of interview practice. This is your opportunity to impress!!
Final Reminder: The most important factor, of course, is to be the best applicant that you can be. If your a great applicant, you'll have the best chance of getting an interview! I'm rooting for you!
Source: NRMP Program Director Survey Results, 2018